This Week in AI: Major Developments and Innovative Breakthroughs

The field of artificial intelligence continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, with this week witnessing several groundbreaking advancements and significant discussions about the technology's societal roles. From Microsoft’s innovative language models to government discussions on AI security, here’s a recap of the seven biggest AI news stories that are shaping the future of technology.

Microsoft's New "53 Family" of Language Models

Microsoft has introduced the "53 Family" of open small language models (SLMs), noted for their efficiency and affordability. The first model, "53 Mini," boasts 3.8 billion parameters and outperforms larger models in language coding and math tasks, and is available through Azure AI Model Catalog and Hugging Face. With more models like "53 Small" and "53 Medium" on the horizon, Microsoft aims to cater to a wide range of customer needs with these versatile tools.

DHS Forms AI Safety Board without Key Tech Figures

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has established a new Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board as part of a presidential order to ensure AI is used safely across critical U.S. infrastructure. Notably absent from the board are big tech figures like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, raising questions about the government’s stance on open-source AI and the implications for proprietary models.

Emotional Expressiveness in AI Avatars by Synthesia

Synthesia, a company specializing in video creation, has updated its AI-driven avatars to include enhanced emotional expressions and lifelike movements, tailored specifically for business applications like training and marketing. This improvement aims to deliver a more authentic and engaging user experience.

Nvidia's Strategic Acquisition of Run AI

In a move to bolster its AI infrastructure offerings, Nvidia has acquired Run AI, a company that simplifies the management of AI hardware. Valued at $700 million, this acquisition is set to enhance Nvidia's DGX Cloud AI platform, supporting enterprise customers with advanced computing needs.

OpenAI Under Scrutiny in Europe Over Data Accuracy

OpenAI faces a complaint from a European advocacy group alleging that inaccuracies in ChatGPT's output violate EU data protection rules. The complaint underscores the challenges AI companies face in ensuring compliance with stringent data protection standards.

Advances in Humanoid Robotics by Sanctuary AI

Sanctuary AI has introduced its latest humanoid robot, Phoenix 7, which features improvements in learning speed, motion range, and cost efficiency. These robots are increasingly being used in various industries, including manufacturing, where they perform tasks alongside human workers.

UK Regulators Question AI Partnerships

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority is investigating partnerships and hiring practices between major tech companies like Microsoft and Amazon and several AI startups. This scrutiny could lead to tighter regulations to ensure competitive fairness in the AI sector.